Friday 3 June 2016

Lurgan - Moira

Lurgan to Moira

Hot morning, a day for the beach, but a last minute decision to go running was the right choice - as it always is!

Outside Lurgan on a minor road, a place, with a story to tell, appeared through the trees.  This is Kilmore family home of Edward Langtry. A very wealthy man who met the wrong woman (Lily), she went on to great things involving that deadly combination of the Royal Family and horses.  Many years later, Edward died destitute on the streets of Chester.  
Men nowadays have more sense!

Maybe it's old age but on all these runs I seem to be constantly watched by a variety of strange characters.  Here's one of today's faces....

...... and another.

Don't see many of these country shops nowadays.  In my County Armagh childhood, we spent the summer cycling to such places to drink Coke and eat vast quantities of Tayto crisps.  Those were unhealthy but great days.

Annaghdroghal Bridge, not a name that the UK TV presenters ever want to have to try to pronounce. 

Tea break time.  A great place this - The Rusty Tractor in Aghagallon village. Sunshine, luxury seats and tea & toast all for only £1:80.

I asked the waitress (on right) who was the most famous person ever from Aghagallon. She jokingly said:  'I am'.  
I think the correct answer is Stoke City footballer Marc Wilson. 

At Aghalee, I followed the Broadwater path.  This is a remote part of the Lagan Canal which starts back in Belfast. The Canal towpath there is where I started my running many years ago.  This must be one of the best bits.

Not many of us will choose to be buried overlooking our workplace.  But the canal engineer Richard Owen lies buried here at Soldierstown Church on a hill beside his creation.  A wise choice.

The final section down towards Moira Station and a train back home.  This was a wonderful running route - try it one day. 

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